
BrewLab™ Test Kit

The BrewLab™ test kit for Home Brewers quantifies 6 important test factors. Included is a digital pH meter for monitioring batches from start to finish. Experts agree water conditions affect your final product, so take the mystery out of great beer. Trust LaMotte, the water analysis experts since 1919, to help you control your most important ingredient ... water!

Test Factors: (see specifications tab for more details)

Directly affects your water and your beer's pH level. Water with low alkalinity is subject to dramatic pH changes. Know the alkalinity of the water before you brew to determine if you need to adjust your pH prior to brewing. Alkalinity coupled with calcium and magnesium hardness can help you estimate the end pH of your beer.

Calcium: Helps prevent enzymes from denaturing and extends their activity in the mash, promoting clarity, flavor and stability in the finished beer.
Magnesium: In small amounts Mg is an important yeast nutrient. The better the "yeast ferment", the cleaner the alcohol produced.

Controls the bitterness level of your finished beer by adjusting sulfates.

Measure to ensure that all chlorine has been eliminated from your starting water. The chlorine residual must go!

Measure the pH before and during the brewing process since it affects the test of your brew. Although testing the pH of the water before you brew is important to establish your starting point, it is even more essential to test during the process to ensure you optimize your ingredients. pH test strips and papers work fine for pre-tests, but a digital pH meter is recommended for testing during brewing.

BrewLab® BASIC
Test Factor Range Number of Tests
Total & Calcium Hardness 0-200 ppm† as CaCO3 50 at 200 ppm
Total Alkalinity 0-200 ppm† as CaCO3 50 at 200 ppm
Sulfate 0-200 ppm sulfate 50
Chloride 1 drop = 10, 25 ppm Approx. 80
Sodium calculation ----
BrewLab® PLUS
Total & Calcium Hardness 0-200 ppm† as CaCO3 50 at 200 ppm
Alkalinity 0-200 ppm† as CaCO3 50 at 200 ppm
Sulfate 0-200 ppm sulfate 50
Chloride 1 drop = 10, 25 ppm Approx. 80
pH 0.0-14.0 pH unlimited
Sodium calculation ----

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