Microscope Immersion Oils
Formulated for specific applications
- Meets DIN 58 844 requirements
- PCB free
- Non-drying
Refractive index and temperature standardizations are key specifications for optical clarity and high resolution. Viscosity and other physical properties are directed toward specific applications and user convenience. For most applications, optimal refractive index (D Line- 5893 A) is 1.5150 at 23°C.
Type A (low viscosity) or Type B (high viscosity) oils are recommended for routine applications.
Extra High Viscosity oils such as Cargille Type NVH and Type OVH are used with inverted or inclined microscopes when lower viscosity oils may run out of place or on to surfaces where they are not wanted. These oils are capapble of bridging a wide condenser gap or the wide gap between objective and slide when using long working distance oil immersion objectives. Type A and Type B oils bridge a gap of 2.8 mm while Type NVH bridged a gap of 3.5 mm and Type OVH bridged a 4.4 mm gap. All Cargille oils may be blended for intermediate viscosity.
For fluorescence work, Cargille offers Type DF Very, Very Low Fluorescence and Type FF Fluorescence-free oils. Type DF meets requirements specified by DIN for refractive index and dispersion and has a slight green background fluorescence, making it ideal for observing low levels of fluorescence. It is highly stable, water white and non-hygroscopic and can be used in nearly all fluorescence applications. nD at 23C is 1.4790 Refractive index, color absorption properties and viscosity of Type 300 oil are adjusted to meet the exacting requirements for proper operation of automated hematology systems.
Type 37 has a refractive index of 1.5150 at 37°C for use in studies conducted at body temperature or where stage temperatures are elevated by substage illuminators and high wattage projection equipment.