Thermo Scientific Orion

Waterproof Green pH Electrodes

Free of lead and mercury unlike many pH electrodes allowing easy disposal

  • Meets all RoHS requirements
  • Durable plastic body that can be used under rugged conditions
  • Waterproof BNC connector is impervious to water

Orion green electrodes offer a lab or field pH electrode that meets all RoHS requirements. This line of electrodeshas 4 different electrodes to choose from. Users have the option of selecting gel-filled or refillable electrodes depending on their measurement needs.

The waterproof BNC connector provides a waterproof and secure connection when used with an Orion Star Series meter. This BNC connector is compatible with any standard BNC input on any Orion or competitive meter model. Refillable models are supplied with a 60 ml bottle of electrode fill solution.

Product Detail


Mfr. Number: GS9106BNWP

Description: Electrode, Single Junction, Gel Filled w / BNC Connector



Mfr. Number: GD9106BNWP

Description: Electrode, Double Junction, Gel Filled w / BNC Connector



Mfr. Number: GD9156BNWP

Description: Electrode, Double Junction, Refillable w / BNC Connector

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