
Discharge tube seripettor® / seripettor® pro

Ideal for dispensing strong acids, bases and solvents

  • Analog, fixed volume and digital styles
  • May be autoclaved at 250°F (121°C)
  • SafetyPrime® valve system reduces spurting during priming

PFA-coated piston provides excellent resitance to strong acids, bases and solvents. Valves have been optimized for reduced operating force and are simple to maintain to improve service life with crystallizing liquids. Floating piston design closes tolerances for smooth one-handed operation. Discharge tube may be rotated 360° so that bottle label faces user. Safety discharge valve prevents dispensing unless discharge tube is installed properly. Telescopic fitting tube adjusts to bottle size without cutting. SafetyPrime valve system reduces the hazard of spurting or splashes caused by air bubbles when priming instrument by channeling the reagent back into the unit while the bubbles are purged, which also conserves environmentally-sensitive or expensive reagents. Piston cylinder is covered in transparent TPX® outer sleeve to protect user in the event of breakage. Safety cap at the end of the discharge tube is easy to open, even in gloves.

Analog models are adjusted by sliding the corrosion resistant pointer to the desired volume and tightening the screw. Digital models are adjusted by turning a knob to the desired volume.

Dispensers include a discharge tube, filling tube, valve mounting tool, polypropylene thread adapters, certificate of performance and an operating manual.

Product Detail


Mfr. Number: 707928

Description: Type: with Luer-Lock attachment for micro filter, seripettor® pro, 2 ml, 10 ml, 25 ml



Mfr. Number: 707918

Description: Type: standard tip, seripettor® pro, 25ml



Mfr. Number: 707916

Description: Type: standard tip, seripettor® pro, 10ml



Mfr. Number: 707915

Description: Type: fine tip, Seripettor® pro, 2ml



Mfr. Number: 704520

Description: Type: standard tip, seripettor®, 10 ml, 25 ml



Mfr. Number: 704518

Description: Type: fine tip, seripettor®, 2 ml

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